Song Lyrics & Liner Notes
"I'm pretty sure that writing a song is the closest that a human male can get to bearing a child.
Once in a while the process can be as natural and easy as having a conversation with an old friend, but mostly it is quite long and agonizing, with lots of sweating, struggling and cursing...
But I love doing it anyway."
"Unfortunately for me, it's not something that I can do on purpose. I've tried many times to get up in the morning and go into my studio to write. Mostly, nothing good came out of that approach. It's a good thing that I'm not trying to make a living at this."
"The need for writing a song is something that sneaks up on me when I least expect it. I might spend weeks or months where no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to come up with anything but frustration... spending whole days developing and recording what I think is a great idea and then, the next day discovering that I really hate it. Or worse, that it sounds just like a song I wrote ten years ago."
"The music part comes easy. The hard part of songwriting is discovering what I'm trying to say,
and then coming up with lyrics that can communicate that."
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